Daughters Of Divine Love

Daughters of Divine Love – Changes

It is with sadness that we say goodbye to Sister Mary-Grace of the congregation of the Daughters of Divine Love (DDL) in Inverness. Sister Mary-Grace is well known for her work with candidates preparing for confirmation and the young people in Inverness and Beauly. She joins the DDL community in Crook, near Durham.

Sister Maryjane is moving to the congregation in Birmingham while Sister(Dr) Vivian Mariet Okolie has been offered a job in Raigmore.

We welcome two new sisters, Mary Vivian and Winifred. Sr Winifred is already well known in Beauly. Sr Mary Vivian
(Ukah) will take over as the Inverness congregation’s Superior.

The Daughters of Divine Love, known by their blue veil, serve in:

  • Africa: Cameroon, Gabon, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, and Chad.
  • Europe: England, Scotland, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium and France.
  • America: Cuba, Jamaica, United States, and Haiti.

The Daughters of Divine Love congregation is an international order of religious women and was founded during the agonising and ravaging Nigeria-Biafra war (1969). At the present time, more than 800 members have professed their vows. The Daughters are known in a special manner for their love of God and love of neighbour, coupled with deep humility, self-sacrifice and solid piety. Rooted and grounded in Love. This love is self-sacrificing love.

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