
ACN Petition – Nigeria

We are today inviting you to sign an urgent ACN petition calling for Government action to save Christians from genocidal violence in Nigeria.

The ACN Break the Silence petition, launched yesterday (Thursday) in the Parliament at Westminster, calls on the UK Government to exert pressure on Nigeria’s political leaders to bring to justice those responsible for genocidal attacks, abductions and other atrocities plaguing the country.

More than 7,600 Christians have been killed within just 18 months and a further 5,200 abducted. Last year alone, there were attacks on more than 400 churches and other Christian institutes.  Baroness Caroline Cox, who launched the petition, said: “Only on Sunday 16th October a woman and her young daughter were shot dead when gunmen attacked a church in Kogi State. But these are just the latest deaths.”

And ACN’s John Pontifex, who also spoke in Parliament, said: “Only last week, Bishop Anagbe of Makurdi told us that the attacks in his region increasingly look like a full-scale campaign of violence specifically targeting Christians. Facing kidnappings, killings, terrorism and banditry, they feel that the world has forgotten them.”

The petition is a central advocacy objective in the run-up to #RedWedneday. To sign the petition please click here and please share it with your networks. 

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