Much deserved award for Marydale Stalwarts

Peter and Anna MacDonald with Fr. Max and their award certificates

Last Sunday (19th March 2023) Peter and Anna MacDonald received Benemerenti medals for their dedicated service to the Church, especially here in Marydale, Cannich, over the last 40 or so years. The medals were presented by Fr. Max after Sunday mass. We, at Marydale, are deeply grateful to Peter and Anna for all that they have done, and continue to do, for the parish here. The award is very well deserved!

The Benemerenti Medal is an honour awarded by the Pope for service to the Catholic Church. Originally established as an award to soldiers in the Papal Army, the medal was later extended to the clergy and the laity. Literally translated Benemerenti means ‘well merited, or person of ‘good merit.’
By Mmmurf, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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