Pastoral Letter – Archbishop Mario Conti

Message from the Bishop on the passing of Archbishop Mario Conti

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Archbishop Mario Conti died in Glasgow last Tuesday, 8th November, aged 88. Born in Elgin in 1934 of Italian parents and ordained a priest in Rome in 1958, he was a priest for 64 years and a bishop for 45. He was our own bishop here from 1977 to 2002, and Archbishop of Glasgow from 2002 to 2012. His time as bishop therefore spanned the pontificates of St John Paul II and Benedict XVI.

He will be remembered with fondness by many within the diocese, myself included. He had his own personality and manner, but this and his whole life was suffused by his love of the Church. His motto as bishop was sincero corde servire – to serve with a sincere heart. And he did. He helped the Church in the north of Scotland adapt to changing circumstances and become more present in the public sphere. He was known in every parish of the diocese and enjoyed engaging with people. He was a gracious man. He forwarded ecumenical relationships. He particularly loved the cultural heritage of the Church and Christian art. He had a strong sense of the “beauty of holiness”. As the years passed, he became one of the most prominent Catholic and Christian figures in Scotland. He was a good ambassador for the faith.

His funeral Mass will take place at St Andrew’s Cathedral, Glasgow at midday on Friday 18th November, followed by his burial there. We will celebrate a Requiem for him at St Mary’s Cathedral, Aberdeen, at midday on Thursday 24th November. All are welcome.

May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace.

Yours devotedly in Christ,

+ Hugh OSB Bishop of Aberdeen

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